Customer Testimonials

What our clients say?

Karen Rutherford

Alberta Roofing Contractors Association

Frontline Training has been providing First Aid Training to Alberta Roofing Contractors Association for over four years now and the rave reviews have been consistently pouring in from our employees. The instructors are very knowledgeable and passionate, which allows the students to feel comfortable and confident during the course. They utilize a variety of props which allow the students to take a hands-on approach, keeping them engaged and able to more effectively process the course material. The program is taught to best cater dynamically to the student’s occupational and personal needs. Most importantly, the students have the knowledge and confidence after obtaining their certifications, to utilize this training both at work and in their personal lives. I would recommend this company to anyone looking to get their employees engaged in quality, highly enjoyable training that will empower them to make a difference when the moment arises.

Michael Elliott

Pacesetter Equipment Ltd

We had Clark from Frontline Training come by on two occasions to train our team in First Aid. He was highly knowledgeable and always able to keep the attention of everyone in the room. All material was supplied and training exercises carried out within the facility. We would recommend him to anyone and will be calling on him when it’s time for our refresher courses!

Heather Anderson

Boyle Street Community Services – Human Resources

Frontline Training provided a skilled and engaging trainer and facilitator. We value and appreciate his understanding and insight into the work we do at BSCS and the community we serve. Frontline Training’s ability to incorporate the uniqueness of our work into the First Aid training classes sets them apart from other training providers. The feedback from participants of Frontline Training’s classes consistently say that they are engaging, use relevant scenarios and the classes are fun. I highly recommend Frontline Training instructors and facilitators.

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